Friday 6 April 2012

blog 6

  •         Today is Good Friday, the last Friday before Easter in a year.Coincidently,a Chinese festival has just past. I am preparing reading a new novel chronicle in stone. It is a story about young Albanian and a primitive Albania awakening into the modern world.

  •         Last a few days, I give a oral report about something happened in Google+. Google +is a website providing a platform to communicate and know more information from famous people like Barack Obama.

  •        However because of problems of technique, lots of Chinese net citizens log in Google+ to set focus on him. As a result of the limit of showing responds, Chinese make up of most part of net page. When I was giving the oral report, I thought the situation would not  last long. I am wrong.  


  1. HAHA,very interesting!but I think your first paragraph has not to do with your next two paragraphs. Maybe you can divide them and write two blogs. It is a coincidence when the Chinese and western fesival meet together haha and the google+ is really a new thing to Chinese. So I think it is because people are curious about it

  2. Lol, i cannot help laughing seeing this picture. it is so interesting. But I think you can still improve your blog. you wrote it in a too informal way. maybe you should make it a well-organized blog. and the topic of your blog is not very clear, you did not express your own ideas.

  3. Although I still do not exactly know how use Google+,the picture is fun.However,I do not think the behaviour of Chinese net citizens is rational.To some extent,it makes me embarrassed when I come across situation like this.
