Thursday 5 April 2012

luck factor(blog 6)

well,These days i am watching a book called luck factor,which is aimed at uncovering the important secret about luck.Given that the author's great fame in magic as well as in psychology,i believe that the secrets such as to be optimistic and to set up high expectation to the future will help you get luck.(author: Dr Richard Wiseman)

This is a book aimed at introducing the important principles and significant secrets about luck. It is anything but something about superstition. In fact, this is a book which is totally against superstitious theories about luck and is trying to unveil the scientific theory about fortunate. And in my opinion, this psychological book can play an important role in our pursuit of a happy life.

Overall, this is a great book but in only simple English (if you do not have the same idea, I must say there is a long long  way for you to cover in your study of English  ). Nonetheless, such books in active psychology can never escape the criticism that they are just collections of what is common sense about how to be optimistic in our lives, which does make sense in a general scale. However, like what Carnegie once put down in his book how to influence others and win friends, psychologists and psychological theories can never change our lives unless we completely understand theories and put them into practice.

Maximize your chance opportunities : Lucky people create , notice and take action towards the chance opportunities in their lives.
a. Lucky people build and maintain a strong " network of luck ".--To know more people and be more sociable and sophisticate is definitely benefitful to your luck. 
b. Lucky people have a relaxed attitude towards life.--sometimes we should live in a relaxed but efficient state.(sounds impossible? but actually life is not just a battle between success and failure. it is a period of time given by our beloved parents(our great God) for us to enjoy  pure joy and achieve what should be accompished in our gradually mature mind with time passing by)(Carnegie once point out to us, to live a life like a loose stocking is a      helpful to both our mental health and success)    I mean " although we should fix on efficiency, it does not mean we care about nothing except our objectives ".
c. lucky people are open to new experience in their lives.--only by trying new things can we refresh our luck.

Listen to your lucky hunches : Lucky people make successful decisions by using their intuition and gut feelings.
a. Lucky people listen to their gut feelings and hunches.--Although we still can figure out what is behind intuition, we can see from the statistics that gut feelings help people a lot when they are faced with many options.
b. Lucky people take steps to boost their intuition.--well, in fact, this is so simple that I even do not want to put it down and you will understand my saying once you finish the next sentence.Clearing your mind of other thoughts by listening to some misic , finding a quite place and thinking about it alone and being in a state of menditation/contemplation.

expect good fortune: make the best expectation but b prepared for the worst situation.
Lucky people's expectations about the future help they fulfill their dreams and ambitions.(in fact, this is the only principle that I doubt a little in this book,hehe)
a.Lucky people expect their good luck to continue in the future.--But they are never over-confident or unrealistic.Onthe contrary, because of their high expectations, they will be more diligent and less neglectful.(then it is a little more rational to me)
b.Lucky people attempt to achieve their goals, even if their chances of success seem slim; and they persevere in the face of failure--sometimes lucky people have no more than persistence but in the end things turn out to be bright because of that.
c.Lucky people expect their interactions with others to be lucky and successful .--then they will present you their bright smiles when they  first meet you. and there is a high chance that you will smile back if you are not involved with some tough problems and your face are not suffering spasm. this is closely related to principle one, a.

turn your bad luck into good
a. lucky people see the positive side of their bad luck .--Every coin has two sides.(I mean iff(when and only when ) the minting machines work well. well, just the point?????) If we focus on the positive sides, there is a high possibility that we can cheer ourselves up and move on.
b. lucky people are convinced that any ill fortune will , in the long run, work out for the best.--quite alike to priciple three.
c.lucky people do not dwell on their bad luck.--do not live in the past.............

Start right now and make positive changes in our lives. Let's be lucky--it is not a big deal.


  1. I really admire your long writing.
    It's true that success is a present of lucky whose meaning is different from normal sense.

  2. I think the last point is the most meaningful one. Everyday we will encounter something dreadful. But if we shift our focus to the good aspects, as you write, or to other delightful experience, worries are gone. In other words, think what you have rather than what you do not have.
    Have a luck day!
