Sunday 1 April 2012

Blog 6 : Follow Your Heart

          Yeaterday the talks given by seniors from Chinese Student Cimmittee let us have a general view over each majors.  Their presentations were indeed excellent. However , these ideas only present personal perspective and  actually everyone has unique idea which can totally different from one another . Moreover,  they might defenitely mingle individual preference in their words , for one who has great passion and talent in his major will consider it easy to learn which is not true for the average students.
         Due to this , it is cursory to make a  decision in accordrance with only one speech especially part of which are biast words . To consult adequate  professional seniors to get enough understanding and  evaluate then in the heart seems to be the wisest approach before choosing a major.
         Meanwhile, to choose a practical or fond major is  also a hard question.  Actually nowadays , most people have or will choose  practical majors because they believe after graduation they can make more money.  However, the level of one's salary varies according to  personal capacity and development but not which faculty you graduate from. Alao certain investagates indacate that  80% of graduates' work is not in conformity with there majors. Thus blindly following others to choose finance , management or other hot majors which may not fit you at all  seems to make no sence.
        What is suitable for youself is the best. Why not choose what you have genuine interest in so that learn what you want to learn in university instead of choosing a major only because it is good for employment and suffer it for 4 years?
         Major do NOT determine one's whole life. In esssenes, a top university does not depend on how profound knowledge it can teach students, but whether it can cultivate students strong spiritual world, which include critical thinking, rigorous analysis, convincing expound as well as other necessary abilities for a succesful person. Also , to discover oneself, to know the world and to reflect the most basic human value are far more important than just focusing on one major area.
        To conclude, a major does not mean everything. Do not calculate how much benefit you can gain and just follow your heart , that would be the beat choice for you.



  1. Excellent analysis! I totally agree with you. We ought not to choose our majors based solely on the wages or blindly follow others. We should opt for those that suit our interest and promote our passion. In this way, we will enjoy our university life instead of suffering all the way throughout four years. I also learned that nowadays a vast majority of university graduates enter into fields that are irrelevant to their majors. Thus we needn't have our choice so much influenced by future jobs. Just as you mentioned in the blog," Major do NOT determine one's whole life." It is more of the essence to develop our problems-solving capacities in limited college life!

  2. your blog is well organized and language is good. salary will change will year, so we cannot know what would happen when we graduated. every professor or seniors ask us to follow our hearts. however, maybe many students do not know what their interest is or many students are interested in everything. that is where the difficulty of choosing a major lies.
