Tuesday 3 April 2012

When we make choice(Blog 6)

Currently, I face a problem on how to make a choice to my major based on interest and desire. Even though I am interested in mechanical engineering, after attending the conference held by the panel several days ago, I become increasingly confused by what my interest and desire is.

Then I ask my friends and seniors about how they choose their majors. To my surprise, most of them do not know their interest and desire either. Furthermore, the priority of common's consider is the begin salary of the major. Now that that they want to make money but not to learn the science and engineering, how about the university only open the social and economy course. Educator may rebut me that the prime function of university is to nurture undergraduates' skills and way of thinking but not let all of us become scientist. Since their motivation is not to make some improvement on the technology; how could they contribute to their majors? Now that they are so pragmatic, why not open more economy and social course?

To evaluate whether what our choice is worthwhile not, let us focus on our motivation first. To begin with, let me category the type of motivation for you. First, the most common motivation is to gain money, power and status. It is hard to judge whether this motivation is right or not. But after referring to human's history, it is not hard to find that they are three important elements of human tragedy. For instance, Eugénie Grandet, the Wars of the Roses and plagiarism in thesis. It seems people require a nice excuse to elevate what they want to gain in to an art form. Second, the other motivation that control human's social activities is belief. All things related to religion seem so sacred that people even can sacrifice for it. Religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the universe.(from Wikipedia)But incidents related to religion becomes not so holy, such as Holy War, a group of people pillage and slaughter other group of people with despite there is a long distance. It is no doubt to say this action is not holy anymore. The meaning of religion is positive and gives motivation to the adherent. Even though, some people use religion to gain what they want in an immoral way such as pope Urban the Second. Religion also becomes a tool of the politician sometimes such as the death of the Joan of Arc. Martin Luther has said, “Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense and understanding”. It seems like a more confusing expression of religion. It covered the skin of the religion lest that the nature of religion is detect. Besides, this motivation does not play a role in our decision.

It is pathetic to see that our motivation to make a major choice is based on the first factor that I mentioned: money power and status. What I want to say is that it is even pathetic that we focus on what we need but not what we want. Human without ideal is like a fresh wandering on the road. It is not only our lamentableness but also the lamentableness of the society.



  1. Your points are profound and quite closely related to our current situations. It a pity to concede that most of us soon-to-be university students put the money, power and status as top priority. Also, it a failure and satire to modern society. However, I still have confience that there exist students who make their dicisions based on their own interest.

    Something irrelevant with the topic: as far as I'm concerned, some examples are weak and not typical. Besides, I don't quite know the stories in your illustrations. It will be effecive to get across your ideas if you offer some background of stories. ^_^

  2. Well such profundity! I hope we have a chance to discuss this issue in class. You move from motivation to religion. I wish you had explored what movtivate students or specifically SM3 students in their choice of majors. But does ti matter what movitvates one to pick a particular major? Few of us have such strong passion to pursue a certain course of study at this stage of our life.After all it is the basic Bachelors degree course. You still can branch off to something you really like in your post-graduate study.

  3. I ask an American about the motivation of major choosing in American. He told me, "First is interest. And second is how much money you can earn, which is also very important." I think it is not wrong for people to pursue wealth. However, ahead of wealth, there must be something more meaningful that is worth contributing your whole life. So that the your life will be meaningful. As Russell said,"This has been my life. I have found it worth living and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered to me",if you can speak such word out confidently, your life must be quite wonderful and meaningful.

    1. What is your interest? Do you really interested in ISE?
      It becomes quest interesting to listen to your answer.
