Tuesday 17 April 2012

Sleep Soundly at Night ( blog 7)

    These days I am haunted by a problem that I can hardly fall asleep soon after lying on the bed. For almost one hour, I roll on the bed from one side to another until I finally get sleepy. I think I get insomnia somehow; therefore, I search online to acquire some methods to handle this problem. Whether you suffer from insomnia or not, some useful information may help you in a profound way; therefore, I’d like to share with you the causes, symptoms and simple treatment of insomnia.


There are two main factors of insomnia for us. The first is uncomfortable temperature. That is, the room you live in may be so hot that you do not feel well physically. A second one is because you bear so many stresses in life. Heavy pressures such as the approaching deadline of an essay or test may push you so hard that you cannot relax on the bed.


With a poor sleep at night, people usually cannot perform well at day. I conclude some symptoms of insomnia that probably happen to us. First, a poor sleep leads to weigh gaining. Second, it can affect your study. For example, if you don’t sleep well last night, you will possibly stay sleepy in class and cannot keep pace with the lecture. Thirdly, after a day of low efficiency, you may feel more stressful, which can lead to a vicious circle that you cannot sleep well again.                  

                            Simple Treatment

 Let’s come to the most important part---------treatment. I really wish that some may work to get you out of insomnia. First, taking a warm shower before going to bed can relax your body effectively. Secondly, playing some soft, smooth music will lull you to sleep. Thirdly, drinking a glass of warm milk does help. A glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed will smooth your nervous system. Milk contains calcium, which works directly on jagged nerves to make them and you relax. Last but the most important is keeping regular bedtime. It can adjust you to a stable biological clock.

Fortunately, insomnia generally last less than seven days. With a good method, it would be even shorter. I think I will have a nice sleep today. Same to you uh!


  1. Actually, I have also experienced insomnia in my high school when I was extremely stressful due to piles of papers to finish. Normally, I didn't fall asleep until one hour later after going to bed. I also tossed in bed feeling very restless. I knew it is very miserble and usually can result in depression. However, after entering into university, this symptom no longer happened to me, although I didn't take any measures. Personally speaking, stress plays an critical role in causing insomnia. If we take some steps to make ourselves less stressed and more relaxed(it does not necessarily entail much special materials. we can choose anything so long as it can relax ourselves), insomnia will disappear itself.

  2. So sorry to hear that. What leads you to insomnia? Wish you a good sleep from today onwards.
    I feel that sleeping is a sort of art, which I realized when I was in Senior three. Apart from the methods you mentioned, I think regular exercise is also a good way to enhance your quality of sleep. Recently, you begin to go jogging, so you will get better!

  3. You have shared useful ideas! Actually, I think all of us who have suffered through senior high might experienced insomnia. And there are also thousands of people sruggling with insomnia every night. It has become a global problem that increasingly arose our attention. I think more information about curing insomnia should be provided since sleep is the most vital factor which impact human health.

  4. Actually reading books is also a good way to get you sleep because you will soon be bored and feel sleepy...It depends on what kind of book you are going to read, anyway.
    (Can't help saying Sida you are so cute!)
    Your methods to get people from insomnia are common, simple however useful. But to write a better blog, I suggest that you take trouble searching for more information and provide us many unknown things.
