Monday 2 April 2012

April Fool's Day(Blog 6)

           If someone breaks some tremendous or incredible news on April Fool’s Day, will you believe it?

           Yesterday day, which is April fool’s day meanwhile, a piece of news goes that “ A hiker who was about to be mauled to death by a mountain lion was saved by a bear. Experts are yet to confirm the report from a shaken Bob Biggs.” Is it true or just a joking on that particular day?

           Actually, it is turned out to be true. However, at the first sight I read this news, I didn’t believe it since it was on Fool’s Day. But if it was a normal day, I could hardly have such doubts about whether one piece of news is true or not. At least, it shows that things get interesting in this special foolish festival.

           Personally, we should not take this festival seriously. The aim of the establishment of this day is to add joy to this world. Nonetheless, excessive joy sometimes brings about angry. For example, too mangy tricks, which means humiliating experience, to your friend will certainly irritate this person due to the limit of patience. In addition, making fun of some big issues will lead to unconceivable troubles. Yesterday, a girl in China committed suicide and it was broadcast lively in her micro blog to attractive netizens. Finally, the girl confessed it was a joke in the name of Fool’s Day. Subsequently, those netizens cheated deemed her behavior ignorant and naïve.

          Human’s life span is too long for a creature, so some virtually meaningless activities come about, such as politics, of course, Fool’s Day included. We just need to see Fool’s Day as something entertaining. If people are unduly emphasize this so-called festival, they will be see as a fool by others as the preceding example of that Chinese girl.


  1. April fool is a good day to make fun of your good friends and show your love for your girl. I think, in those news or magazines, the editors are not supposed to do sth special for this day, because they do not dare to make fun of thousands of readers.

  2. I hope so......Year, it is a special day. But the joke to your friends should be suitable, otherwise they may get angry.By the way, are you joked by anyone?

  3. April Fool's Day is originally merely celebrated in Western countries, and just gains its popularity in recent years in China. We don't necessarily take it seriously. And in the past, although sometimes my friends fooled me, they didn't played something too seious and just light jokes. Just as you suggest, we should make this day fun on the condition that we will not irritate others. This is good for both people involved in jokes.

    1. Yes.Life will be very boring if there is no jokes. But the jokes should not hurt others.On that condition, Fool's Day will be more interesting.
