Sunday 15 April 2012

6.I love Qin Lin who has already belonged to Sida

Last Saturday, I had a fantastic birthday party with my group members and my roommate. We together went to Bouna Vista to KTV and then went to clementi to eat our cake. There are tons of thousands of happiness.
First of all, we went to Bouna Vista to KTV, although the devices there are not in good condition, we sang happily and spent a happy time. During that time, I found that Ziyan is not only good at whistling but also good at singing. Besides, I also found that our monitor, Qin Lin, is really a good planer and leader. And Zhaoyue is an enthusiastic singer. In addition, I must say that girls also performed greatly during that time. They sang some advanced sangs for us and did well.
Next, we went to Clementi to eat our cake. Because the cake is so small, we bought some food nearby. After sharing food with others, we finally went into the dividing cake stage. There were many people but only had a small cake. So everyone can only got a small piece of  cake. The following thing is the most interesting thing. After the eating of cake, there still remained two strawberries. Of course, I ate one of the two strawberries. But I am too embarrassed to eat another one. So how to deal with the last strawberry? I finally came out an idea that Qin Lin is the planner of this party. So I want Qin Lin to finish this strawberry. However Qin Lin did not willing to eat that strawberry. Then someone suggested that Qin Lin should eat this strawberry with Sida. That is what they are doing in the picture.
Thanks to Qin Lin, we had a so wonderful birthday party.


  1. Thank you for your introduction of ShanXiLiangPi that night! We really enjoyed this delicate cuisine from your hometown, since nearly everyone has ordered one that evening. Our monitor has done a good jod for organizing this group activity. I have found that our group members more unite after that. And I believe that all of us will cherish this valuable experience.

  2. oh, i was shocked when I saw this picture, which embarrases me. i am happy you enjoyed the party. and you are also a good singer, at least you dare to sing out, haha. about this activity, I have reflected on myself and i also told you that some parts I did not do time, i hope i won't make the same mistake. ps: the birthday cake was so charming!!!!!

  3. Don't be so modest. You have done a fabulous job.
    Also, I really enjoyed the day vastly: every one of us was so happy. I hope we can have more occasions like this. It will be one of the most unforgettable memory in my whole life. Thank Providence for granting so many truthy and liable friends.

  4. A belated happy birthday! I'm delighted that your group has got on so well together. With families far away in China, it is natural for overseas students like you all to support each other. Great that you all have enjoyed the karaoke singing. We should have another opportunity to listen to some of you sing. Don't forget that the true worth of an overseas education is also to immerse in the social-cultural milieu of the host country.

  5. The strawberry-sharing was amazing...
    Although we only have three females in our group,we are still close to each other-that is what true friendship about.
    By the way,you are a good leader.Never doubt it!
