Friday 13 April 2012

Fraternity Between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (Blog 7)

A portrait of Sherlock Holmes
  Sherlock Holmes has no doubt to be the most well-known detective since his appearance in 1887. He had revealed plenty of murders, solved numerous mysterious cases, and even managed to protect national secrets. Apart from his tremendous contribution to detection, his methods of deduction benefited forensic science in the following century. He is so glamorous that millions of fans are attracted by him worldwide. However, frankly speaking, too much compliment is not suitable for his personality. Although Holmes is extremely intelligent and observant, he is arrogant, self-centered, and almost entirely lacking in social graces. How could he survive in the society and become so eminent? The answer is that he had a loyal partner ——Dr. John Watson, who played a vital role in Holmes career. Sherlock Holmes cannot live without Watson for many reasons.  
Their Discussion
 Firstly, Dr. John Watson was the chronicler of Holmes’s adventures. Most of their stories were narrated by Watson, written from his perspective, including his personal admiration and critics towards Holmes. From his depiction, a vivid figure of a shrewd but imperious detective appeared in front of us. Without the description and assessment, we cannot grasp a precise image of Holmes and his personality. Therefore, we should appreciate the excellent work Watson did.
 In addition, Watson played a significant role as an assistant in Holmes’s career. He provided practical assistance in the conduct of their cases, acting variously as lookout, decoy, messenger and accomplice. We can often see that Holmes says, “Watson, would you please collect some books for me from the library?” and “Watson, can you go to Scotland Yard to meet XXX?”. Dr. Watson also inspired Holmes to come up with many constructive ideas; hence, the cases were solved easily. Moreover, he helped Holmes out of financial problems by renting an apartment mutually.
2009 Movie Sherlock Holmes

 Most importantly, Dr. Watson is a sincere and warm-hearted friend to Holmes. Their friendship is beyond money, fame and power. No matter how dangerous the situation is, Watson always kept accompany with Holmes, whose fondness for Watson often hided beneath his cold mask. However, it was revealed once when Watson was shot although the wound was quite superficial. He depicted that it was worth a wound to know the depth of loyalty and love, which lay behind that cold mask, from the clear, hard eyes and the shaking firm lips. Besides, Watson is more like a soul mate of Holmes, who did not get married for whole life and had few friends. In most occasions, people would feel offended by Holmes due to his rudeness and arrogant. Only Watson could tolerate Holmes’s eccentric conduct and even appreciate the glamour of his personality.
  In all, Dr. Watson is indeed a devoted assistant and sincere friend of Sherlock Holmes. It is hard to imagine that a Holmes without John Watson could resolve so many macabre cases and overcome rumors, illness and loneness. It proves a truth that there is always a benevolent friend behind a great person. Hence, we should all thank our friends’ generous support and understanding in our life, and then help them in return. There is always a wonderful world full of remarkable brotherly love.

2010 BBC Channel One Drama Sherlock


  1. I really appreciate the pure friendship between Holmes and Watson. And I'm also happy for Holmes because he can have such a loyal friend, who will treat him the same no matter how bad he is in others' eyes.
    In modern society, it is more and more difficult to find a friend who is as loyal as Watson and can help each other selflessly. However, there are still some who have firendship beyond money, fame and power. Hope we can find ours.

  2. Your blog reminds me the movie series Sherlock Holmes. I really like that movie. And I wander whether the newest Sherlock has be published or not. Yifan is always be able to get the newest movie and transmit to us. Waiting for the newest Shorlock from Yifan.

  3. Maybe God is fair to endow Holmes with wisdom and Watson with loyalty. It goes to show that we need each other and can't be too arrogrant to imagine we can achieve great things without help and support from others. Holmes and Watson complement each other remarkably well- the epitome of great partnership. You have done an excellent piece of critique on Holmes.
