Monday 2 April 2012

Memories(blog 5)

After I put down this title,my eyes suddenly became wet--i am not a moonstruck boy,but i cannot hold feelings when the memories in that summer occurred to me(hold on,I am not going to tell a love story--I am free from love until now which is a kind of happiness but also a kind of loss in youth). I separated with all my good(close) friends on that summer and then I left my dear senior high school with all the memorable moments in my mind. In fact, although I have made some wonderful friends here-in Singapore, I still hold a strong belief that THE BEST FRIENDSHIPS that I ever have owned stay in China without any doubt.

Honestly speaking, I am definitely not expressing that guys around me now are not as kind and considerate as those in my senior high school. In fact, all of you(I mean you --classmates) are more smart and diligent, which is unquestionably satisfactory as a friend's trait. Nevertheless, things in our memories are more intriguing and meaningful as time goes by. The time that passed is just like the tender breath of the breeze against our faces--the feeling is so wonderful and enjoyable but it is also so gentle that we feel that it is just like a dream.Or, we are indeed in a dream, one in which we will not and sincerely do not want to wake up because we are so appealed by its perfection despite the fact that this feeling is destined to fade from our mind even we spare no efforts to make it as eternal as a diamond. In the end, it cannot bear the erosion of time, like a piece of sandstone disappearing in wind and rain.

Maybe we can actually give eternity to these memories with an enormous mass of effort. However, pathetically, nearly all the reality loses during this procedure after which we merely have our own imagination of what it should be like in our mind --the true things that once happened to us will be replaced by our thoughts.Therefore, it is our thoughts that made the memories so glamorous.

Am I going to talk about the time when I was in my senior high school? Well, probably I am going to, or maybe I am doing it now. I am not a psychologist; so there is no point for me working on this kind of stuff, frankly speaking. But in fact we are all psychologists, though maybe we are not so excellent in theories: we all have our own memories; we all recall them sometimes; we all forget some because of time; and we all work on the important area of psychology.

And I am not going to forget them with all my wishes.Or at least, I am trying to.

And I believe you do not want to choose to just let them disappear from our mind, although we all know with 100% certainty that we cannot tell fancy from reality.

The only thing that matters is that we enjoy the combination of actuality and imagination.

1 comment:

  1. Memories are always easy to make us lost in them. I also have lots of wonderful memories with my friends in high school and univerity. But friendship may not be maintained for good; it will be obstructed by many things one day. Besides, friends around us now may be our new life friends as well. Hence, we should focus more on today rather than yesterday. I sincerely appreciate your faith in friendship and hope you can find your best friends.

    One suggestion: though we are inclined to misorientate in memories, we still need find a thread through them if we want to share with others. So, I believe you can make your blog more organized and more readable. Can't you?
