Tuesday 17 April 2012

blog 7 What factor mainly decides one’s personalities?

Blog 7

                    What factor mainly decides one’s personalities?

Different people have different personalities, and it is various personalities that make up the beauty of the world. However, we cannot help asking a question that why do different people have different personalities and what factor mainly decides their personalities?

Some people believe that people inherits their personalities from their parents, that is to say, people usually have the similar personalities as their parents because of genes. For example, one’s parents are both unsociable and uncommunicative, and as a result, it is more likely that the one is also this kind of person.

  However, if we take a closer look at this issue, we may find that it is actually environment that decides the one’s personalities. Although it seems that the one has the hereditary relation with his or her parents, we cannot overlook another more decisive fact that the one lives with his or her parents at home, and it is inevitable for the one to get influenced by his or her parents personalities. In view of this reason, it is more reasonable to say that the environment decides one’s personalities.

  Environment refers to not only family environment but also school environment, society environment and so on. Among these environments, I think family is the most critical and influence one’s personalities most. Parents can be a good example for children, but they can also leave negative effects when one is developing his or her personalities. If a father love smoking, it is very likely that the son will smoke when he grow up. Supported by a family in which the parents are positive, the children are always jovial and optimistic too.
   In a nutshell, although it seems that personalities are decided by genetic factor, environment is actually the radical factor to decide one’s personalities. Therefore, it is very important for parents, educational institution as well as society to develop a good environment in order to mold an individual into an outstanding one


  1. Environment indeed plays an essentil role in shaping a person's personalities, but it is advisable to say that both genetic and environmental factors determine a person's personalities. Provided that evidences abound to support both sides, I believe it is merely a matter of which one have an larger impact during the formation of one's characters. Anyway, it is of great importance to create a good atmosphere for children to grow. After all, this is all we can change now.

  2. Sometimes I just wonder whether gene will determine one person's personality? It is hard to judge because when you can identify a person's personality, he or she has already been influenced by the environment. However, out of question, environment play a vital role in determining a person's personality as you mentioned. But personally, above all, parents guidance is more important since parents choose which part of the environment affects their children.

  3. It is a controversial question that weather environment or genes that have more impact on molding a person's personalities. Maybe the reason why chilren behave like their parents can be devided into envirnmental aspect, since they just simulate their parents's words and actions rather than inheret the genes from them. Anyhow, parents are the first teachers in a child's life and inflence him/her most no matter from genetic or envirnmental reasons.

  4. I agree with your points. Genes and environment are definitely the most momentous factors that influence one's personalities. I think genes maily decide whether it's easy to pick up a certain personality, while environment is the the resource where this personality comes from. ie. if exposed to a certain environment, one will finally build up the corresponding personality.
