Sunday 29 April 2012

[blog 8]:Be a rational basketball fan

  NBA playoffs have just opened its curtain this morning. Now, it is the time for NBA stars to show off their excellent skills; it is the time for the best sixteen teams out of thirty to fight for the supreme honor------the NBA champion; it is the time for fans to enjoy this visual feast and yell for their beloved superstar. Basketball is full of passion and miracles, and basketballs are always enthusiastic and crazy. However, it is momentous to be a rational fan.

  To have a favorite player is human, but it is improper to speak ill of other stars. For instance, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James are the two hottest superstars in NBA. Those fans in favor of Kobe always attack the character or reputation of LeBron, and vice versa. In fact, every player has his strong points; otherwise, how could he step into NBA. As for fans, it is imperative to be generous and tolerant. We cheer for our favorite teams, at the same time, we can appreciate good games performed by other talented players.

  The spirit of this game lies much on cooperation, recreation and passion. Only be rational fans can we experience the essence of basketball.

  By the way, best wishes for Derrick Rose, the headed star of Chicago Bulls, regarded as the most powerful enemy of my favorite team, Miami Heat. Rose was badly hurt this morning in the game against 76ers.


  1. To tell the truth, Ido not know what you are talking about.clearly .Therefore, I think you should have a clear topic sentence. Besides, I do not think you talking about the NBAfan has something related to science and technology .However, I can see that you are really an enthusiastic basketball fan. By the way, what about your basketball competition ?

    1. I did not think you read my blog carefully, because i did have a clear topic sentence. Besides, there is no need for my blog to be related to Science and technology. As for the basketball game, we played it last friday evening, and we were narrowly beaten.

  2. You are right. I am also a basketball fans. I can understand that some fans bias their favorite teams and super stars. Being a savvy fan is good, but the argument between fans of different preferred teams is also the stimula for games. It will make the game more interesting and fierce.

    1. Yes, i agree with you to some extent. Without argument, the basketball won't be interesting. From where I stand, compared to American fans, some Chinese fans are very rude. When i look through Sina and hoopchina for some basketball information, many fans express their ideas in a rude way, which really upsets my stomach.

  3. Yes, being a reasonable basketball fan will confer us the ability to have a impartial view of other players, which will expose us more easily to other players' strengthes. Also, this is not confined to basketball. Many fields call for fairness from audience in terms of appraising people. And last, being equal when evaluating others indicates we are better educated as well.

    1. You reminded of me the CBA Finales--Guangdong vs Beijing. The Beijing fans were so rude. They cannot come to terms that Guangdong played a better game than their home team. They shouted aloud to Guangdong to influence their performance. It is really unacceptable.
