Saturday 7 April 2012


What is jailbreaking? I think many people are familiar with its name but do not know any details about it. So now let me introduce it to you. iOS jailbreaking, or simply jailbreaking, is the process of removing the limitations imposed by Apple on devices running the iOS operating system through the use of custom kernels. Such devices mainly include the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. (wikipedia)
At first, people always think that jailbreaking is illegal. Actually, according to the ‘Digital Millennium Copyright Act’, which was modified by the Library of Congress Home in America on 26thJuly 2010, iOS jailbreaking is absolutely legal. Therefore, there is no need to concern about the legality of jailbreaking.
   Next, there are many reasons for jailbreaking. One of the main reasons for jailbreaking is to expand the feature set limited by Apple and its App Store. Users can install software outside the App Store and purchase 3rd party themes for their devices. Using software and themes, the devices can have more functions and be more beautiful. ( the illustrations are my iphone’s screenshot) As a matter of fact, users can also install pirated software for free, which is illegal. However, if users do not install that kind of software when they do jailbreaking, they never obey the laws.
Here is a video that shows 100 reasons for jailbreaking. Do not hesitate, jailbreaking now!
If you are interested in jailbreaking but do not know how to do, you can turn to me for help.


  1. I have heard about jailbreaking before, but I don't have a cleaer idea about it. After reading your blog, I gain some deeper insight into jailbreaking. And I just wonder since jailbreaking is absolutely legal, why do people choose such a negative name to this king of act?
    Why do Apple restrict users's access to third-party software? Since so many people are eager to jailbreak, what lesson can Apple get from this?

  2. Jailbreaking, so fantastic! I do not have an iOS device. But if I have it, it is sure that I will break the jail. It is certain that the default setting of Apple can not satisfy everyone. And the device is belong to the owner. So if the owner want to characterize his or her device, breaking jail is the most wise choice.

  3. actually, i have also written a similar blog about jailbreak. but your blog focus more on the advantages of jail-breaking. and i think jailbreak is not just about apple products, some other devices can also use this method to gain higher right of using software, like psp.

  4. Jailbreaking sounds so firghtening. If something is created by technology, surely the same can be used to undo it. You can't stop a determined hecker, using technology, to break inot any website, however secure it may be.
