Monday 2 April 2012

Blog 5 Decadent life

      I always find it difficult to answer such questions as "What is your dream?" "What do you want to do?"   To be honest, I have no idea about these questions. Maybe it is kind of strange; however, this is me, an decadent.
So what is a decadent life? Is it a kind of life that is filled with smoking, alcohol and sex without marriage? Well, in my opinion, a passive attitude toward life is the beginning of a decadent life.
I am aware that decadent life is no good for me and I tried to live a healthy life and work efficiently. Nevertheless, changing oneself is a tough task. I made a timetable but only held on to it for three days. I went to study room but only to be absent of mind. On weekends, I set seven alarm clocks on my phone but I still could not get up until noon. Since I can forgive myself easily, laziness is my forever enemy which I can never beat.
You may be curious about the link between laziness and decadent life. Well, if your plan is defeated by laziness, you will not manage to finish your assignments as perfect as your plan; therefore, frustration will gradually accumulate and capture you one day. My experience is just like that.
From my experience, my advice is that never try to live a so-called relaxing life. Life is a kind of moving on, so keep fighting or even struggling. Stopping on the half way is a beginning of decadent life.


  1. Oh,It never occurred to me a girl would be decadent. I just wonder how a girl could be decadent. However, men are actually more inclined to be decadent. As a member of them, I also often indulge myself into something time-consuming and thus forget to study. Last Sunday, originally I intended to search for some information about religion. Nvertheless, I lost myself in the middle and found myself reading Chinese news about domestic events and chatting with my sister on QQ. I started searching when I finished my breakfast. Surprisingly, when it's evening I got NOTHING! I was decadent! How guilty I felt inward:-(!
    I agree with you that we should be alert to be decadent from the beginning! Hope I will never be decadent again!

  2. Yes. There's stereotype that girls are always diligent and hardworking.
    Well, it is common to have the problems you mentioned above. Since you've known what should you do, you are to over come these difficulties someday. But to be honest, I am also struggling, too. So do not worry. we will fight against the laziness all our life!

  3. I think there are qiute different between decadence and laziness.In brief, decadence means you have no hope and aims in your life while a lazy guy still struggles for his or her dream.What is more, I think being lazy can give us enough rest and energy so that we can study more effiently. What is more, I think it is hard to handle a timetable because many things will not turn out as we predict.So do what you think it is is better.
