Sunday 1 April 2012

Tracing our root

There is a old idiom in Chinese, “the fallen leaves return to the root”. It means no matter how far you have left your hometown; you will go back to your hometown when you are old. This leads me think that many Taiwanese have gone back to mainland China to find their hometown these years because of the free transforming between the two sides of the channel. It is quite moving when they found their hometown and met their relatives, whom they have never seen, or have not seen for several decades.
When one is young, s/he is longing to go out of their home and leave the government of their parents. S/he wants to go to an unfamiliar place to found her or his own career. Moreover, they enjoy themselves during this processing. They lose themselves in the flourish cities, luxury goods, and advanced technology. There are all kinds of lure , which attract them to chase the freedom and the bustling of the cities to see what the outside world looks like. They are young and strong, and they have the energy and confidence to fight for their wishes and desires. However, after years have passed, one day, they find that they are not young and strong any more. They can not run for their work and even walking is a difficulty for them. At this time, they begin to look back at their life. They see how many interests they have been, how many houses they own, but one thing, makes them fall into thinking, ‘Where do I come from’. They know that they are not belonged to the cities they have spent all their youth in. Now, they hear the calling of their hometown. Suddenly, they understand, no matter where they are, the only home of them is their hometown. 


  1. You really got a good topic, but i think you should arrange your blog in a more proper way. at the first sight, it is a mess, it may make readers do not want to continue reading.

    1. It is because I paste it from Word and it is reaaly a hurry ,for I was very sleepy at that time.May be I can insert some pictures in it .All in all, Thank you very much for your suggestion.:)

  2. Yeah, it is a quite tough job to finish this blog! I sincerely recommend you create a organized writing item.

    As for the content, I have to say it is much better than the organization. Based on my experience, this kind of homesickness is more common among elders. They have gone through enough to know their home alone is the best place prepared to welcome their birth and watch they leave from the world. While old people tend to miss home, most young home are eager to go outside and fight for their dream life. In some sense, tracing the roots is confined to old people. However, young are still supposed to keep their root in mind and return home periodically; otherwise, they might feel misorientated in their life.

    1. Thak you for your advice!:)I think you are right. the young are always willing to go outside to see the out world. Like me , I also want to travel as many place as possible. It is because we are young.So we should not waste our youth in homesickness instead of fighting for our dream
