Monday 30 April 2012

Blog 8: CAI=friend || enermy?

what do you want CAI to be, a friend or enemy? (CAI=computer and Internet)

initially, the title is ‘does CAI cause more harm or generate more benefit?’ later, I changed it. There are two reasons for this change. First, CAI, merely as an invention, is unable to control people and cause users addicted into computer games or buried in browsing social websites. In practice, it’s just otherwise. Second, whether CAI brings more harm or benefit varies enormously depending on the personality of different individuals. Some people may have good self-control—they surf the Internet, but will scarcely be swallowed and drown by it; they play the computer games, but always win in the battle against the addiction into game--CAI is fabulously conducive to their convenience of study and relaxation in life. Others may also experience the similar pleasure, however, they are probably more overcome with the feeling of guilty, regretting having wasted such a prodigious amount of time on these useless stuff.


if your answer is yes, you fall into the second category. In other words, if you conceive CAI ‘has an adverse effect on you’(or rather, you make CAI your enemy or a bog), probably you’re lacking in self-control. Most times, computer will be switched on as soon as you reach your dorm. Then, browsing the websites or chatting on QQ will dominate the following consecutive two to three hours, after which you may find vastly guilty. As a result, you try to redeem yourself and promise to study harder and do homework right away. Nevertheless, you possibly need to refer to some information about your topic and thus press the power button in order to search in the Internet. Again, you are lost in the virtual world. Besides, you have done some homework in between the first and second time of scanning the websites and convince yourself constantly that you are surfing the Internet for the purpose of study. Consequently, there is a chance that you will waste a lot of time on PC.

if your answer if no, congratulations to you. You are the person who can manage your life well. You can extract yourself from the addiction into Internet or you are never addicted into it at all.

 To be honest, I belong to the first sort of people. I’m easily lured by websites and sometimes find it hard to be aware that I’m living in the virtual world. But I hope I can transform myself into a well-rounded individual who can live life efficiently and meaningfully. I write this blog in order to expose a real self to me as well as you. I hope my experience can serve as an assistance to make your life more productive and keep you content with and confident of yourself. The last nonsense but not the trivial, it’s of tremendous significance for us to know what we want at present and what we desire to be in the future.

Sunday 29 April 2012

       Since human start the first indusrial revolution, the society has been rapidly developed. We chase the advanced science and technology. However, we seem to negolate the problem it may take to us. This is serious and people have been arguing for it for several  decades before. In my opinion, there are many benifits that technology has given us but also includeing the problems.Here, I want ot talk about two kinds of problems. One is the cloning problem an dthe other is the safety of food.
The first ethic problem, is  coming up with the cloning technology. To some extent, it is one of the most important development in the history of human being. We find the way to "create" a new life that meets our requirement. However, it also gives us endless  worry because  we think what will happens if someone clones a human. There are many films talking about this, such as "Star wars " and "The sixth ady". They both talking about the serious wars because of the cloned people. What is more, cloning is beyond the imagination of the founders of the religions. So, it is unacceptable to the religion rules. In my opinion, it is definitely that our world will be in chaos if human begin to clone thenselves. Therefore, we should try our best to control and forbid cloning people. However, the world is enomous and the technology is no longer a secret. So, who knows whether there will  be a cornor in the world where someone is cloning him or herself.
    The second problem is about the safety of food. Nowadays, there are thousands of  additives in the food around us. To some extent, they are great achievement in chemistry becausse with the help of them ,we can keep our food much longer and makes them taste delicious. However, not all of them are good to our body.What is more, there may be many existed additives whose  toxic element can not be detected by today's technology. As a result, everyday we eat hundreds of kinds of additives and to some extent, it ahnothing different with chronic poisoning. Therefore, I think we should ban some kinds of additives because it is not only for our generation ,but also may influnces the next generations.  

Blog 8(2) Way of life

It was not until recently I read a book on philosophy that I got preliminary understanding of what I would go through and what I should do in future. Though the target of life never seems obscure to me, and I have an outline for coming life and a schedule for daily life, I agree that my understanding of life is not deep enough to reach a higher level, therefore it is ‘preliminary’—I still have a long way to go.
Now let me introduce what the book says. There are three stages of one’s life. The first stage is in which one can not distinguish between himself/herself and the object or the environment he/she encounters. The person, often a small child, lives in a natural way that every action from him/her is not purposely. Follows the second stage in which one can clearly tell himself/herself apart from others and the environment, and does something for an aim. We should remark that each stage, including the following third stage does not happen in one’s life separately. They may concur in one’s life. For instance, a man can work for earning bread for his family. In that way he does something purposely, being in the second stage. He can also simply walk home leisurely without an apparent intention(though he is to return home, he would forget the distance and the aim, simply enjoy walking), in which he is in the first stage. Now it’s really complicated. The more complicated one—the third stage ensues. For common people, seldom does an individual reach the third stage in his/her life. Even if one touches the threshold of this enigmatic stage, it is usually momentary and vanishes without trace.
The third stage of one’s life comes when after one realizes the difference between self and others or the environment, he/she transcends this notion which restricts his/her behavior but finally is overcame by him/her in some way. That is to say, one returns being natural, but different from being natural because he/she has gone through being unnatural and gradually extricates himself/herself from the constraint.
To illustrate these enigmatic conceptions, consider the steps of learning English. Firstly we learn English because we are taught to learn English. And we learn when we were not aware of the importance of English. Then grades in exam demonstrate the importance of English. After we came here, exams burden us no severely as before, but we still endeavor to learn English because it concerns whether we can communicate with others. We try as possible to memorize words and apply them into essays and daily conversations. Then, it will become a portion of ourselves. Like Chinese, English comes out of our mouth without the slightest efforts. Gradually and finally, we reach the third stage.
Life goes the same way. One can say Tao Yuanming, the famous idyllist, was murmuring in his poems, complaining his unfortunate and pretending to be out of the secular world. The other one can also say that he let his mind flow freely with the pace of nature. The first one is mundane and his/her mind has been covered with dust, therefore, he/she cannot understand the mindset of Tao. Perhaps throughout this miserable person’s life, he/she could never enter in the world where his/her mind could swing with all the living things. In contrast, the second one is a little more sapient, though this person may still linger in the second stage and may not be a person like Tao.
I recalled a blog written by cute boy, Mr. Triton. He talked about happiness and I wondered that when we intentionally pursue for happiness, whether we could obtain the real happiness. I thought now that we have unavoidably transformed from a child into a young adult, we could be glad as before, but not be as happy as a child. And I argued that the more we desired a childlike mind, the further we were away from it because I thought a truly child mind could never be intentionally achieved.
However, the book points out the possibility. The way is unknown, maybe it depends on different people. Since I don’t know a lot, I have to make an end for this part hastily.
The most amazing thing I recognized was the perpetual law: deny of deny. In syntax, there is no difference between the outcome of deny of deny and the original word. Nonetheless, in the journey of life, the life after deny of deny(the third stage) is totally different from the original one(the first stage). It is a brand new stage where one stands on the vertex of life and could overlook all the other things.
And may one day I am able to reach the condition that Laozi once depicted: Aim to do things without aim.

Blog 8(1) My expectations for university

I have a wonderful dream
that all have, all strive
But only some achieve:
To realize many more dreams
That’s a fairly greedy dream,
a fantasy
intending to light prairie
by striking a match

The vast prairie has no border
whereas the match is a only part of an isle
Future is the prairie
And university is the match
flaring for four years
illuminating the future forever

Rivers flow blithely only with the breadth of the land
Birds fly freely only with the vastness of the sky
And only with the freedom of a university
students kicking and alive

Away from formalism
Rid of zombies’ minds
That’s what a university should be
It lacks something:
monotonousness and inanimation
It is full with others:
a variety of thoughts, a diversity of alternatives
and most significantly of all
the qualified teachers and students

Teaching is to lead the way of studying
Studying is to find the way of discovering
And the object of discovering
is what I can be

The colour of the prairie, the shape of the future
is by no means known
unless the match can create no more than one kind of blaze
and unless a university is no better than a machine
aimed at executing a pre-designed program

The prairie is awaiting
the moment it makes the change
while the match is in the offing
I am waiting
and NUS is approaching

[blog 8]:Be a rational basketball fan

  NBA playoffs have just opened its curtain this morning. Now, it is the time for NBA stars to show off their excellent skills; it is the time for the best sixteen teams out of thirty to fight for the supreme honor------the NBA champion; it is the time for fans to enjoy this visual feast and yell for their beloved superstar. Basketball is full of passion and miracles, and basketballs are always enthusiastic and crazy. However, it is momentous to be a rational fan.

  To have a favorite player is human, but it is improper to speak ill of other stars. For instance, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James are the two hottest superstars in NBA. Those fans in favor of Kobe always attack the character or reputation of LeBron, and vice versa. In fact, every player has his strong points; otherwise, how could he step into NBA. As for fans, it is imperative to be generous and tolerant. We cheer for our favorite teams, at the same time, we can appreciate good games performed by other talented players.

  The spirit of this game lies much on cooperation, recreation and passion. Only be rational fans can we experience the essence of basketball.

  By the way, best wishes for Derrick Rose, the headed star of Chicago Bulls, regarded as the most powerful enemy of my favorite team, Miami Heat. Rose was badly hurt this morning in the game against 76ers.

8.Two Things Happened This Week

This week, there happened a lot of things. The first thing I want to say was that I decided to learn harmonica. The second thing was that my logitech mouse was out of order today.
About the first thing, I decided to learn harmonica. It is because that I find a lot of my friends are good at a certain kind of instrument or even some kinds of instruments. Besides, I have watched Ziyan played his violin and Zhaoyue played his erhu for a few days and I also want to make some sounds to amuse myself. I had learned violin for a few months in China in my childhood but I had already forgotten almost all of what my teacher have taught me. So I decided to have a try of harmonica. I found a website selling harmonica. And finally I bought one harmonica named Bluemaster produced by Suzuki in Japan. I like it very much. Now, I can make some simple noises by that harmonica. What a great improvement! During my learning of it, I find that masterring harmonica is really a difficult job. I should work hard on it. And I believe I will make it in the end.
About the second thing, my logitech mouse was out of order in 29th April 2012. It seems that the year 2012 really means '2012' to my mouse. It happened after Ziyan's leaving me a great deal of project work. And I thought maybe the mouse was frightened to death by Ziyan's great deal of work. I love that mouse which was bought in China. I wander what should I do to the mouse. Should  I just throw it away? Or keep it in my drawer? After all, the mouse had been following my orders for almost a year. Wish my baby mouse a good seat in the paradise!
Besides these things, there still be a lot of things I want to say such as my money may not be enough for the following two months. But let us end at this paragraph. Do not forget that there still have a great deal of project work waiting for me

Saturday 28 April 2012

(Blog 7) After motivation

Now that the motivation of what we do is not as perfect as we need to elevate into an art form. I consider more about human’s life. Does our human’s life meaningful? What does our human’s inner world rely on? What is right and what is wrong? It seems that religion can solve all the answer I have. Even though, what about there is not a god? That is, human-beings are still frightened to the power of the nature that they still want to find an excuse for their innocence. Besides, I find that easier a game is, more addicted to human it will be. Such as QQ farms, I wonder why so many people are addicted to this game that they would rather get up at night just to obtain the product in others’ farms. Furthermore, have you been addicted to hungry snakes due to you want to get a high marks. We feel loneliness, do not we? We need to make some balance between our spirit and reality by some white lies on our inner world because we are panic when we face the meaning of our life. What about the meaning of our life or should I say the world is a big lie? We are inculcated that we should serve the society and world; we are the members of the human family; everybody is an essential part of the world. Stop talking about that. Why there is still discrimination among race, jobs and sexual orientation? Do the workers who are an essential part of the world deserve the discrimination? Do those who have a decent jobs and high status have the priority to discriminate others? Just as Thucydides said, “The strong did what they could, and the weak suffered what they must”. Gradually I feel the strength that Coldplay’s song “Viva La Vida” has. Every life is awesome, unique and irreplaceable. Individual’s live may seems meaningless, the life’s meaning rely on the relationship and itself. Nothing can deny one’s life he/she born lives and passes away albeit nothing he/she leaves behind. That is our life does not only belong to ourselves but also those who care us. We are responsible both us and our social network. That is how love rooted in our life and makes the life awesome..  

Friday 27 April 2012

blog 8

I noticed the situation when I had a class in lecture theatre. After that, I find it is common in public.

According to a poll conducted by WWF for Earth Hour 2011,nearly half of residents in Singapore find air-conditioning in public areas to be too cold.

"The aim of the poll was to determine how comfortable people currently are with air-conditioning temperatures in the country."

I think the poll has better work on finding how uncomfortable people currently are with the air-conditioning in Singapore. The number of respondents is 450. 40% of them claim that schools and offices are too cold and half of them think the environment of schools and offices are like the autumn of Seoul. One forth of them prefer use the winter of Siberia. For me, the North Pole is better. 69% of people who feel cold wear a coat. One forth of them warm them by walking outdoors or going to the toilets.

I think too low temperature does not make sense. Low temperature does not make people comfortable and it also does not save source.

The poll is done when the Earth Hour is going.
Earth Hour is a global initiative where individuals, businesses, governments and communities are encouraged to turn out their lights for one hour.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Titanic:My Influence Will Go On and On

  It was 1998, 14 years ago, when China started to accelerate her pace on economic development and opening-up to the world. At this year, the movie Titanic was premiered in mainland China, which attracted millions of Chinese audiences to the cinemas. People crowded before the ticket booth or sat in the cinema shedding tears. Titanic was tremendously successful not only because its 1.8 billion box office but also because the effect left on many nations. Today, Titanic in 3D is back on the screen. Let us reflect its significant influences on Chinese people in 1998.
  Firstly, Titanic somehow reflected the alteration in China government’s attitude towards western culture. From then on, China government became more open-minded and held more appreciation towards western movies. At that time, China has just started to import western movies and the quantity was strictly restricted under ten per year, in order to eliminate the “contamination” from western world. Fortunately, Titanic survived from the rigorous examination owing to the strong recommendation from China’s former Chairman, Jiang Zemin. During a conference, Mr. Jiang mentioned that Titanic vividly depicted the correlation between love and death, relationship between the rich and the poor and people’s reaction when confronting disasters. He also suggested officials to see this movie to get a deep insight of capitalism. This remark became a convincing advertisement, therefore, Titanic got the chance to present in rural areas and even the sentences like “have you seen Titanic” became the most popular greeting. This phenomenon exemplifies the huge change happened on both Chinese people and the government. China was entering an era full of freedom and innovation.
  In addition, Titanic changed Chinese’s attitude towards love. Since then, the ideal love is no more like the one between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who must live and die together. The most touching scene in the movie is Jack holding Rose’s hand saying “Rose, you must promise that you’ll survive, that you won’t give up. No matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. Promise now. Rose, you never go off that, promise!” Afterwards, Rose loosens his hands and swims towards the life boat. This scene made many Chinese youth reconsider what is love. Love is no more the one between Romeo and Juliet; Love is the best wish to others to survive, to live a better life and to be happy forever; love is more about communication, understanding and respect rather than simply being together. The promise “I will live a better life for you” remains in every Chinese youth’s heart. Hereafter, people had more freedom in love and marriage.
  Another scene where everyone on the ship obeys the order to save women and children first and no one violates it left a big influence on Chinese. Similar to western culture, Chinese culture also emphasizes on etiquette and courtesy, however, today’s Chinese has forgotten most of the basic good manners. Once there was a big fire in a primary school in Xinjiang province. The teachers’ commend that “officials go first and students wait”, which caused several students’ death from burn, shamed all nation. It was time for Chinese to contemplate their values and behavior. Although today we become affluent, we can never lose our consciousness.
  Fourteen years has passed. Today China is still undergoing significant changes, while Titanic stays classic. As for me, the most precious memory in childhood also related to Titanic. When my parents took me to the cinema to see it, I was five. Although I cannot remember the plot clearly, I can recall the warming feeling sitting beside my parents and the astonishment by Titanic’s sinking. Maybe like the lyrics from My Heart Will Go On, Titanic’s influence will go on and on. Hopefully, China can be a unsinkable ship.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Research, Learning in a New Style(Blog 8)

Our team has been carrying out our research programme for almost one month. In fact, this is my first time to do something meaningful to investigate into practical issues.
We’ve finished our data collection and are to write findings recently. Due to the limitation of our survey targets (local students and seniors), it is a little more difficult for us to distribute our questionnaires than those who do research within SM3 groups: our questionnaires cannot go around themselves in e-form on Internet; Distinguishing our target potential respondents in campus is a headache sometimes. Anyway, it took some time for us to finish the data collection. To our surprise, the data indicate something different from the hearsays got from our seniors. Although it is just the outset of the analysis, I am really enjoying the progress of discovering the unknown.
In China, we seldom had the chance to do research. Even though there were some research programmes of sorts, I would not take it seriously since it was not what teachers really hope me to focus on. So I did not have the sense to probe personally. I learnt by listening, reading and reflecting in theoretical level to doubt. Or I doubted but unable or unwilling to test my hypothesis. As a result, I was always solving the problem having been solved by others before. Maybe it helped me develop the capacities to deal with traditional problems faster. However, study gradually becomes a tedious job and need my great perseverance to overcome the reluctance to study. What’s more, when it came to a new problem, the skills I’d learnt before did not work at all. I believe this is part of reasons why Chinese are good at coping with exams and always get amazing grades in international competitions, but seldom could I hear scientific breakthroughs made by Chinese.
This research project is a new expedition of us to try another learning style. Thus the project is worthy of our effort and devotion. No pains no gains. Let’s go on our project.    

Sunday 22 April 2012

blog6 2012 or not

 Hello, good morning, everyone! This is the "earliest” blogger of my blogs till now .Just now, I saw a piece of news in sina web. It says that Guanzhou was attacked by torrential rain and the road was covered by water, which made it hard for people to go to work. What is more, it will last to 27th and there will be hailstone during this period. To some extent, it is not very significant news to those who are not in Guangzhou or not going to Guangzhou these days. However, it makes me think of the tornado in America three days before and the earthquake happened two weeks ago, which was happened in Indonesia.

         Combine all of these natural disasters, I think of the hot film,”2012”. Since this film has been produced, there are millions of people wondering whether this year will be the end of our earth and human being. Some activism people even buy adequate food stored in their basements. In my opinion, (only my personal idea, I need claim that I have no responsibility if there really be a end of the world in 21st, Dec), there will never be the end of our earth in 2012. Based on the scientists’ research, although the sun is very active in the end of 2012 and there will be a large-scale solar flare, it can not be so strong that it could destroy our earth crust. Someone may say that how to explain the frequent natural disaster during these years. I think it is because the global warming and other environmental damage which human have done to the earth. What is more, before the film came out and the Maya’s prediction was well-known globally, no one thinks that the earthquakes happened in the world is because of the 2012. Before 2009, when the “2012” was on screen, there were many earthquakes happened globally, more than the number of those happened after 2009. What is more, there is no evidence shows that the predictions of the Maya’s are reliable.

In my opinion, there will be an end of our earth, because the life time of our plant and sun is limited. I think the only cause that can shorten the lifetime of our plant is human. We can see that since the second industrial revolution, our society has been rapidly developed. However, at the same time, from the ozone depletion to the deep ocean ,every inch of land and every litre of air and water are polluted by human. Therefore, we must take forceful and efficient action to protect our earth; otherwise we will “welcome” the earlier end of ourselves     

7. I want to eat Shanxi noodles

After came to Singapore, four months have passed away. And recently, I became to miss my favorite food, nothern Chinese noodles.
Nothern Chinese noodles have a long history. According to archaeology discovery, noodles originated from China and have a more than 4000 years history. Noodles are made of flour. Besides, there are some other things needed by making noodles. For example, garlics, vinegar, and so on. In Shanxi there is a very famous noodle called "Daoxiao" noodle which is very delicious. Besides, "Men" noodle, "Qishansaozi" noodle, "Youpo"noodle are also my favorite noodles.
Though there are some noodles in Singapore, most of them are of great differences with Shanxi noodles. The features of Singapore noodles are not focus on the materials which are used to make noodles. It seems that Singapore noodles only focus on the seasonings.
Besides, I also want to mention that there is a noodle shop in Clementi. That noodle shop is a Shannxi noodle shop. It provides many delicious noodles and some other snacks in Shannxi. I like the "Liangpi" and "Qishansaozi" there. But I must say that the "Qishansaozi" is not perfectly producted. There are some flaw with the noodles.
I like the noodles in Shanxi.

blog 7 Massacre of Dogs

These days, some people claims there remains dogs massacre in Harbin. In contrast, many people on the Internet express attitude against it. Because dogs massacre is merely individual situation in Harbin and some imagines is not true as there is coco in it, it is ridiculous. However, the situation in Harbin is not the point but people’s view.The reason why I pay attention to massacre of dogs is I watch a video of a debate. Its name is International Varsity Debate Varsity which is hosted in Beijing and Singapore in turns every tow year. The debate is between Wuhan University and NUS. The topic is whether people should cull stray dogs in the cities. My own opinion is that culling the stray dogs is difficult to be managed well.  Indiscriminate killing is cruel.Now the topic is not the one in debate several years ago. Lawless elements steal dogs in batches. The behaviours done by volunteers are not enough. People always abandon their dogs in the streets. As a result, more stray dogs appear. People need not to do much protect on dogs. If no one abandons dogs and look after them well, there will be no problems.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

blog 7 What factor mainly decides one’s personalities?

Blog 7

                    What factor mainly decides one’s personalities?

Different people have different personalities, and it is various personalities that make up the beauty of the world. However, we cannot help asking a question that why do different people have different personalities and what factor mainly decides their personalities?

Some people believe that people inherits their personalities from their parents, that is to say, people usually have the similar personalities as their parents because of genes. For example, one’s parents are both unsociable and uncommunicative, and as a result, it is more likely that the one is also this kind of person.

  However, if we take a closer look at this issue, we may find that it is actually environment that decides the one’s personalities. Although it seems that the one has the hereditary relation with his or her parents, we cannot overlook another more decisive fact that the one lives with his or her parents at home, and it is inevitable for the one to get influenced by his or her parents personalities. In view of this reason, it is more reasonable to say that the environment decides one’s personalities.

  Environment refers to not only family environment but also school environment, society environment and so on. Among these environments, I think family is the most critical and influence one’s personalities most. Parents can be a good example for children, but they can also leave negative effects when one is developing his or her personalities. If a father love smoking, it is very likely that the son will smoke when he grow up. Supported by a family in which the parents are positive, the children are always jovial and optimistic too.
   In a nutshell, although it seems that personalities are decided by genetic factor, environment is actually the radical factor to decide one’s personalities. Therefore, it is very important for parents, educational institution as well as society to develop a good environment in order to mold an individual into an outstanding one

Sleep Soundly at Night ( blog 7)

    These days I am haunted by a problem that I can hardly fall asleep soon after lying on the bed. For almost one hour, I roll on the bed from one side to another until I finally get sleepy. I think I get insomnia somehow; therefore, I search online to acquire some methods to handle this problem. Whether you suffer from insomnia or not, some useful information may help you in a profound way; therefore, I’d like to share with you the causes, symptoms and simple treatment of insomnia.


There are two main factors of insomnia for us. The first is uncomfortable temperature. That is, the room you live in may be so hot that you do not feel well physically. A second one is because you bear so many stresses in life. Heavy pressures such as the approaching deadline of an essay or test may push you so hard that you cannot relax on the bed.


With a poor sleep at night, people usually cannot perform well at day. I conclude some symptoms of insomnia that probably happen to us. First, a poor sleep leads to weigh gaining. Second, it can affect your study. For example, if you don’t sleep well last night, you will possibly stay sleepy in class and cannot keep pace with the lecture. Thirdly, after a day of low efficiency, you may feel more stressful, which can lead to a vicious circle that you cannot sleep well again.                  

                            Simple Treatment

 Let’s come to the most important part---------treatment. I really wish that some may work to get you out of insomnia. First, taking a warm shower before going to bed can relax your body effectively. Secondly, playing some soft, smooth music will lull you to sleep. Thirdly, drinking a glass of warm milk does help. A glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed will smooth your nervous system. Milk contains calcium, which works directly on jagged nerves to make them and you relax. Last but the most important is keeping regular bedtime. It can adjust you to a stable biological clock.

Fortunately, insomnia generally last less than seven days. With a good method, it would be even shorter. I think I will have a nice sleep today. Same to you uh!

Monday 16 April 2012

Blog 7 Titanic: the timeless classic

        15 years ago, Titanic was merely a movie, a sunken ship, a love story of Jack and Rose. 15 years later, it has becomes an unforgettable memory of a generation, a symbol of  loyalty and an immotal legend which has beyond smile and teer, wealth and poverty, life and death.
        As a century movie, Titanic's classical lines have been passed through everyone's lips. Apart from 'You jump, I jump' which acts as a typical love vow, some of Jack's  awesome words also left a deep impression on me.
        For instance, when he sat together with the glamorous people who looked down upon him and teased him, he did not feel  humble or shame and just said that 'I fiure life is a gift and I donot intend on wasting it. You learn to take life as it comes to you. To make each day count.' These words fully embodied his image of yearning for freedom, to be optimistic and aheading bravely, which let all the listeners feel respective towards him immediately.
        Meanwhile, the exquisite depiction of each figure is also one of the most vital factors. Whether the duteous band who played the violin until the last minute, or the upright designer of the ship , Mr. Thomas, who attributed the responsibility to himself and finally decided to sink with the ship, or the devout priest who comforted the rattled passengers and sang the Bible to guide them out of panic before death, or the responsible second mate who shot one person to maintain order and also shot himself on the spot to wash his crime, or all the brave men who gave the survival chances to the women and children and chose to die as real gentlemen...

       Amoung them, Ms Moly is the person I respect most(the first person from right in the picture above). She was  an upstart lady who understood and symphasized the poor. So she lent the new dinner dress which was prepared for her old son to Jack and taught him the noble etiquette. Additionally, when in the lifeboat, she required the people in the boat to turn back to save the other refugees, and sensured their apathy after being refused. Due to her kind  heroic, she was repected as ' Never sink of Margrat' by later generations.
        Always only when truely facing the catastrophe will human nature being highlighted most. I believe during that short period of time, there must be more touching scenes we never know that happened.

       Blessing all the victims on Titanic who are buried in the ocean in 1912.